Yogin's Quest

May all beings have happiness and its causes. May all beings be spared suffering and its causes. May all beings abide in the state of joy that knows no sorrow. May all beings trascend attachment to friends and aversion to enemies. And live beleiving in the equality of all that lives.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dear friends, It was my intention to finish my Blogg and post it today, as I am new at this I just have erased my last entry of several pages, and many days of work, that was going to provide all the information about my whereabouts since April, as I will not have time now until I arrive to India to re do it, Just be aware that I am flying to India August 11th and I will re-start my Blogg in India. Please be patient, you can log in a few days and it will be updated, love all take care.


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