Yogin's Quest

May all beings have happiness and its causes. May all beings be spared suffering and its causes. May all beings abide in the state of joy that knows no sorrow. May all beings trascend attachment to friends and aversion to enemies. And live beleiving in the equality of all that lives.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


(sorry for the delay of 5 weeks in updating my Blogg, but I have been traveling in Rajistan, with Karethe)

One of the main Buddhist teachings is impermanence, it teaches us that weather we like it or not, all things good and bad most end and that we most be ready to accept it.
Well my time in Dharamsala has come to an end, I was lucky enough to be able to be here thanks to the kindness of my teachers as well as many other people in my life.
I have received many teachings and make many friends, also I have re-evaluated my life many times over, change my ways and prepare my future steps in serving people.
I leave behind not only teachers and friends but sentient beings that were my family during my five months here, they helped me and teach me many lessons, for which I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being there for me, I am leaving behind friends and teachers, to continue my quest in Nepal and Thailand.
I will go now to HH teachings in Sarnath, and then to travel to Rajistan with Karethe, for five weeks, I want to dedicate this entry in my Blogg to all the beings that were my family here and that I love dearly, the pictures here really don’t do justice to their kindness and love for me, my teachers HH the Dalai Lama, HH Kalka Jetsun Dampa, Geshe Sonam, Geshe Monlam Sangpo, Anila Sonam, Anila Norsom my monk friends, that so graciously allowed me to practice daily with them even that I am not such a good practitioner, and all the other Buddhist and non Buddhist friends that shared the monsoon and the winter with me, I will never forget you, nor be able to repay your kindness and I hope to see all of you someday somewhere, may you find all the happiness that you deserve.

HH the Dalai Lama (my beloved teacher)

HH Kalka JetsunDhampa (my Chod teacher)

Geshe Sonam Rinchen (with sunglasses, my Tibetan Philosophy teacher)

Mongolian monk and Tenzin-la

Monks that did daily practices with me

Paijman's family from holland and Nestor

Joelle from Switzerland

My Basque friends

Anila Norsom (my Tibetan language teacher)

Jeffrey and Chris (my Trekking companions)

Anila Sonam (right), and HH the Dalai Lama's Oracle

Geshe Monlam Sangpo (my Tibetan Philosophy teacher)